M U L T I M E D I A   A N I M A T I O N


Commercials,  E-Greetings,  Presentations,   Animated GIF's and Banners,

 commercial: furniture room (broadcast)

furniture room commercial

 commercial: toyota yaris (broadcast)

toyota yaris commercial

 flash animation (intro only):
 flash animation website:
 flash animation kiosk commercial:
 flash animation:
 flash animation (intro only):
 flash animation:
 flash animation website:
 commercial: toyota yaris   &   sony erickson
toyota yaris sony erickson commercial

 other flash:


 animated GIF's:

click here for more GIF's 

-Multimedia animation, created with flash or painter and can be exported to any format you need.  From beta to gif to exe...  Completely customized with music if needed.  Need to get the word out?  Why not do it with an animated e-greeting, can even be sent as an executable.


click here for pro/portfolio site map

::Illustration::  ::audio::  ::photo touch-up::
::multimedia animation::  ::web design::  ::logo::